Hello, I'm

Stella-Maris Ojideh

Front-end Developer from London, UK 🇬🇧

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Here are some featured projects I've been working on

stella-maris ojideh weather app project-desciption

Responsive Weather App

For this weather app I created a responsive live weather application using HTML, CSS, Open Weather API & Javascript to display for the forecast in different locations. Including a 5 day forecast and a current location button which will displayed the weather & description where ever you are. This has a default search in The Bahamas, North America

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React Weather App

This project was a React live weather app created using React, API, HTML, CSS, Javascript. The inspiration behind this page was to create a fresh weather app with vibrant & warm colours.

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stella-maris ojideh dictionary app project-desciption

React Dictionary App

I created a React dictionary app with live data and photos using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React, API etc. I used different components to design and structure this APP which can be see on GitHub.

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Weather App

I created a responsive live weather application using HTML, CSS, Open Weather API & Javascript to display for the forecast in different locations. Including a 5 day forecast and a current location button which will displayed the weather & description where ever you are.

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